Vivere all'estero

Estonia: dove tutto è digitale e trasparente, anche aprire una società

Curated by Enza Petruzziello

A small parliamentary republic, nestled in northern Europe, Estonia is famous for being the first fully digital nation in the world. A 360 degree e-governance. Here, the Internet is a right and a duty, 100% of schools and public offices have a computer, 80% of households are connected and businesses are only online.

Everything happens on the web, but personal data are considered sacred and it is possible to know immediately who consulted them and why. The Estonian identity card is at the same time a document for expatriation, driving license, debit card, health card, rail pass, and much more.

Estonians can declare their income in five minutes, fulfill the right to vote from the couch at home, electronically sign dozens of documents every week. With a saving of 2% of the national gross domestic product. A real revolution, born 15 years ago, which over time has paid off in terms of benefits and efficiency. Especially for all those companies that in Estonia can register and obtain certification to operate anywhere in the world.

Understanding the potential of this small and completely digital nation is Living in Paraguay , the only legal consulting firm certified at European level that offers legal, administrative and financial consulting services for those who want to build a “safe B plan” for themselves and their own family, obtaining a permanent residence in Paraguay and thus enjoying the many benefits that this South American state makes available. In fact, the company decided to register and obtain its certification in Estonia. The reason? Here there are no human transcription errors in the documents and everything is absolutely visible and viewable.

Open a company in Estonia

Opening a company in Estonia means, in fact, being completely transparent. It means security and seriousness. All this translates into reliability and trust of the client towards that company. And this for a variety of reasons. First of all for the timing. In Estonia, a company does not open in 24 hours, but the time required is 30 days. Many serve the Estonian police to check that everything is in place. To review the criminal aspects of the person or persons responsible, to carry out company controls, financial statements and so on. Through Interpol, the Estonian police make a complete checkup of the people who make up the company, gathering information on their work and personal history, on the qualifications, verifying that they do not have judgments that have been judged in any State of the world, that have no criminal record in progress, that have never had civil proceedings for debts with companies, third parties and public administrations. Not just in Europe, but internationally.

After the surveys, which on average require a month, it is finally possible to open the company and obtain the certification of “Trusted e-Residency Company”, a company of absolute trust. Certification is granted through the assignment of a blue sticker on which are depicted three lions, symbol of the Estonian State. The blue stamp, sent by registered mail, certifies that the company is totally trusted by the Estonian government. It ensures its recognizability, its fiscal and legal identity, and that the managers of the company have been scrupulously checked on all the penalties and civilties they have made up to that moment.

In short, a sort of guarantee that shows that the company is serious and reliable and that it must behave in the future. The controls, in fact, take place every three months since its establishment. There is no possibility of fraud or criminal activity with this method. Getting the stamp means having public accounts, taxes on the internet that if not declared, they take you directly to jail.

Without forgetting that Estonia is part of the European Union and as such it complies with all the rules and regulations that the accession to the Community imposes. It is therefore clear why Living in Paraguay can be considered a fully secure and transparent company.

To learn more and to take a look at the services offered by Living in Paraguay, please refer to its official website: .

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